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eNEIDE project (action n.2018-IT-IA-0170).

Dataset BDNCP in Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS)

The OCDS portal presents the essential information on Italian public procurement contained in the National Database of Public Contracts in the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) format: this format makes it easy to link, compare and benchmark Italian public procurement data with other OCDS datasets around the world and to analyze them with the tools made available by other organizations.
This portal is aimed at facilitating the involvement of civil society organizations in the monitoring of public procurement and in the prevention of corruption, but above all to promote social, environmental and social sustainability in public procurement and it was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility funding program ( CEF) - eNEIDE project (action n.2018-IT-IA-0170)
The licensing schema is CC-BY 4.0, which is the recommended by the national Digital Transition Team and by AgID and you can use, reuse and redistribute the data to any interested party.

Uses cases for these data

There are many use cases for OCDS data, such as promoting value for money, efficiency, fairness, integrity or effectiveness in public procurement.
In particular, this portal is targeted at the engagement of data journalists and civil society organizations in the monitoring of public procurement and in the prevention of corruption, but alto to foster social, environmental and societal sustainability in public procurement.

Publication details

These data are updated monthly, on the 2nd – here you will find a swagger interface for the offered API.
The APIs can be queried through the parameters indicated in the following table.

API nameParameterExample valueTipoParameter DescriptionService Description
GET/releases/award/idid stringThe ID of the award to obtain releases for.Returns all the releases available for a given award ID
GET/releases/tender/idid string The ID of the tender to obtain releases for. REST route to obtain all the releases available for a given tender ID
GET/releases/ocidslimit stringThe max number of OCIDs returned by the service REST route to obtain all the OCID available in the data source
GET/releases/limit stringThe max number of releases returned by the serviceREST route to obtain all the releases
GET/tenders/idsfilterField stringThe field to filter tenders count byReturns the available tender IDs according to the provided filter criteria (filterField: tenderStartDate; filterArgs: START_DATE, END_DATE; tenderStatus: OPEN|CLOSED).Notice that a tendere is considered OPEN when it has no end date, or the end date is after the current date (that is the date of the service call execution).
filterArgs stringThe arguments of the filter
tenderStatus string The max number of tender identifiers returned by the service
limit stringThe max number of tender identifiers returned by the service
offset stringThe number of identifierd to start returing identifiers from
GET/tenders/id/countfilterField stringThe field to filter tenders count byReturns the number of all available tenders according to the provided filter criteria (filterField: tenderStartDate, filterArgs: START_DATE END_DATE; tenderStatus = OPEN|CLOSED).Notice that a tendere is considered OPEN when it has no end date, or the end date is after the current date (that is the date of the service call execution)
filterArgs string The arguments of the filter
tenderStatus stringThe status of the tender to be counted
limit stringThe max number of tender identifiers returned by the service
offset stringThe number of identifierd to start returing identifiers from
GET/tenders/id/count/activen.a. n.a. REST route to obtain the number of available active (that is, the tender is still open) tender IDs
GET/tenders/id/count/all n.a. n.a. REST route to obtain the number of all available tenders
GET/awardsbeginDate string the begin date of the search window (format 'YYYY-MM-DD')Returns all the available awards given the search criteria
endDate string the end date of the search window (format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
bottomAmount string the minimun amount of the returned awards
topAmount string the minimun amount of the returned awards
GET/awards/count beginDate string the begin date of the search window (format 'YYYY-MM-DD') Returns the count of all available awards given the search criteria
endDate the end date of the search window (format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
bottomAmount string the minimum amount of the returned awards
topAmount string the maximum amount of the returned awards
GET/awards/tender/{id} id stringThe ID of the tender to return awards for Returns all the available awards for the tender with the specified ID
GET/version n.a. n.a. The version of this API
GET/keys n.a. n.a. Runs datasource statistic queries
GET/stats n.a. n.a. Runs datasource statistic queries
GET/connection n.a. n.a. Tests the connection to the data source

Published data sets description

The content of the datasets reflects that sent to ANAC by the Contracting Stations, in the OCDS format: it is therefore possible that there are input errors or that some details are absent.
The dataset are updated once a month, while using the API made available to the platform you can access a database updated in real time.
The data in OCDS format do not undergo a specific cleaning, but they are transformed to be compliant with the OCDS scheme. The data published in OCDS format are consistent with those in JSON and CSV format, as they relate to the same tender procedures.
The data conforms to the OCDS format and pass the validation mechanisms .
A short description of each dataset is presented below:


Description: These datasets report the Public Procurement contracts with value above 40k€, represented according to the OCDS standard, divided by year based on the date of publication of the notice. The table below contains the correspondences between the fields in the JSON schema of the OCDS releases and the CSV opendata fields.

path OCDSCorresponding fields in Open Data SetsDescriptionSample values
ocidbando CIG / numero_garaunique OCDS identifier for a tender ocds-hu01ve-7701655
tagProcurement procedure phasetender | awards | contracts
buyer/idbando CIG / cf_amministrazione_appaltanteIdentifier od the procuring entity (fiscal identifier)06485540485
buyer/namebando CIG / denominazione_amministrazione_appaltanteName of the buyerESTAR
idUnique OCDS release code ocds-hu01ve-7701655-01
parties/0/id cf_amministrazione_appaltante | id_centro_costoIdentifier for a party in a procurement procedure (as an example, a specific unit in a procuring entity) 06485540485
parties/0/namedenominazione_amministrazione_appaltante | denominazione_centro_costoName of the party in a procurement procedureESTAR
parties/0/rolesRole of the party in a procurement procedurebuyer | payer | supplier
parties/0/identifier/idcf_amministrazione_appaltante | id_centro_costoIdentifier of a specific unit of a party 06485540485
parties/0/identifier/legalNamedenominazione_amministrazione_appaltante | denominazione_centro_costoLegal name of a partyESTAR
parties/0/identifier/schemeReference schema for party identifier IT-CF | identifier
parties/0/additionalIdentifiers/0/idcodice_ausaAdditional schema for party identifier: unique code for a buyer assigned by ANAC0000400383
parties/0/additionalIdentifiers/0/legalNameAdditional schema identifier: official name
parties/0/additionalIdentifiers/0/schemeAdditional schema identifiers: schemaAUSA
parties/0/address/countryNameCountry nameITALIA
parties/0/address/localitystazione appaltante / citta_nome | centro di costo / citta_nomelocationFIRENZE
parties/0/address/postalCodestazione appaltante / cap | centro di costo / capPostal code50135
parties/0/address/streetAddressstazione appaltante / indirizzo_odonimo | centro di costo / indirizzoComplete addressVIA DI SAN SALVI 12
tender/idbando CIG / numero garaTender identifier7701655
tender/procurementMethodDetailsaggiudicazioni / criterio_aggiudicazioneAward methodCOD:27 ; TITLE:AFFIDAMENTO DIRETTO IN ADESIONE AD ACCORDO QUADRO/CONVENZIONE
tender/mainProcurementCategorybando CIG / oggetto_principale_contrattoMain category for procurement
tender/value/amountbando CIG / importo_complessivo_garaOverall amount of the tender149900
tender/tenderPeriod/startDatebando CIG / data_pubblicazioneStart date for submission of a tender2020-02-26T12:00:00Z
tender/tenderPeriod/endDatebando CIG / data_scadenza_offertaEnd date for tender submission
tender/items/0/idbando CIG / CIGProcurement lot identifier822799329F
tender/items/0/descriptionbando CIG / oggetto_lottoLot description
tender/items/0/classification/idbando CIG / cod_cpvCommon procurement Value - CPV33190000-8
tender/items/0/classification/descriptionbando CIG / descrizione_cpvDescription of the CPV categoryDISPOSITIVI E PRODOTTI MEDICI VARI
tender/items/0/classification/schemeCPV schema CPV
tender/items/0/classification/uriURI CPV
tender/items/0/relatedLotbando CIG / CIGRelated lot (extension)822799329F
tender/items/0/unit/value/amountbando CIG / importo_lottoAmount of the lot149900
tender/items/0/unit/value/currencyCurrency for lotEUR
lots/0/idbando CIG / CIG822799329F
lots/0/descriptionbando CIG / oggetto_lotto
lots/0/statusbando CIG / stato
lots/0/value/amountbando CIG / importo_lottoAmount for lots149900
lots/0/value/currencyCurrency for lotEUR
awards/0/idaggiudicazione / id_aggiudicazioneIdentifier for an award1774785
awards/0/dateaggiudicazione / data_aggiudicazione_definitivaAward date
awards/0/relatedLotcigRelated lot for an award822799329F
awards/0/statusaggiudicazione / esitoStatus of the awardactive
awards/0/value/amountaggiudicazione / importo_aggiudicazioneAmount for the award149900
awards/0/value/currencyCurrency for the awardEUR
awards/0/items/0/idbando CIG / CIGAward identifier for a lot
awards/0/items/0/descriptionbando CIG / oggetto_lottoDescription of an awarded lot
awards/0/items/0/classification/idbando CIG / cod_cpvCPV for the awarded lot
awards/0/items/0/classification/descriptionbando CIG / descrizione_cpvDescription of CPV category for an award
awards/0/items/0/classification/schemeCPV schemaCPV
awards/0/items/0/classification/uriURI CPV
awards/0/items/0/relatedLotbando CIG / CIGCorresponding lot822799329F
awards/0/items/0/unit/value/amountbando CIG / importo_lottoAward amount149900
awards/0/items/0/unit/value/currencyCurrency for the awardEUR
awards/0/suppliers/0/idaggiudicatari / codice_fiscaleFiscal Code for the awarded economic operator00615530672
awards/0/suppliers/0/nameaggiudicatari / denominazioneName of the awarded economic operatorSERVIZI OSPEDALIERI SPA
contracts/0/idavvio contratto / id_aggiudicazioneContract identifier
contracts/0/awardIDavvio contratto / id_aggiudicazioneContract award identifier1774785
contracts/0/period/startDateavvio contratto / data_esecutivita_contrattoStart date for the contract
contracts/0/period/endDateavvio contratto / data_termine_contrattualeEnd date for the contract
contracts/0/dateSignedavvio contratto / data_stipula_contrattoDate of the contract subscription
contracts/0/items/0/idbando CIG / CIGContract lot identifier1774785
contracts/0/items/0/descriptionbando CIG / oggetto_lottoContract lot description
contracts/0/items/0/classification/idbando CIG / cod_cpvContract CPV category
contracts/0/items/0/classification/descriptionbando CIG / descrizione_cpvCPV description
contracts/0/items/0/classification/schemeCPV schema CPV
contracts/0/items/0/classification/uriURI CPVhttps:/
contracts/0/items/0/relatedLotbando CIG / CIGLot related to contract
contracts/0/items/0/unit/value/amountbando CIG / importo_lottoRelated lot value149900
contracts/0/items/0/unit/value/currencyContract lot currencyEUR
contracts/0/implementation/milestones/0/titlestati di avanzamento / denominazione_salMilestone nameSTATO DI AVANZAMENTO N 1
contracts/0/implementation/milestones/0/typeMilestone typedelivery
contracts/0/implementation/milestones/0/dateMetstati di avanzamento / data_emissione_salMilestone date2020-10-31T12:00:00Z
contracts/0/implementation/milestones/0/codestati di avanzamento / progressivo_salMilestone number1
contracts/0/amendments/0/idvarianti / id_varianteIdentifier of the Amendment239456
contracts/0/amendments/0/rationalevarianti / motivo_varianteAmendment rationale descriptionPROROGA TECNICA
contracts/0/amendments/0/datevarianti / data_approvazione_varianteAmendment approval date2020-12-22T12:00:00Z